Take some time for you..

Things can get a little heavy at times, so here's a few things I have started to introduce into my lifestyle to give myself time to focus on me and do the things I enjoy.


Understandably, there’s a lot of uncertainty and worry in the world in this moment but taking a little time out to distract yourself from everything may be incredibly beneficial, for both you and your mind.

One way in which I find I can shut off is when I let myself get lost in a book. It’s a way in which you can close off from the outside world and be distracted by escaping reality and enjoying the storyline for a little while. Need a good book recommendation? We have plenty of readers in the team so ask away! We also love a new book so let us know what you enjoy reading!

Have you ever tried yoga? If you have a spare 20 minutes during your day, head over to YouTube as there are an abundance of free yoga videos; for all abilities! I have been doing this a couple of mornings before I start work, I’ll wake up and let myself indulge in some yoga; this means for 20 minutes my mind is completely calm and focused only on the yoga, nothing else around me.

I have been using ‘Yoga With Adriene’ – https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene


Do a little of what you love

At this moment in time, your lifestyle may have changed but this may now mean that you have time to stay at home and do something you previously may have been too busy to do. I’m sure I’m not the only person who has those ‘to-do yet never have time to-do’ lists..especially jobs around the home!

Picking up an old hobby; maybe painting or reading, re-visiting the jobs around the home you were once ‘too busy’ to do, or maybe learning something new; a language, a form of exercise, anything! If you have the time, let your mind explore something different and focus on doing things you enjoy!

With working from home, I try and add some sort of structure to my days, this will include exercise, a few cleaning jobs and my work hours as I don’t know about you but I feel a lot better when I have something to tick off after I’ve completed a job on the list!


I know if I’m feeling a little stressed or things are getting a bit much, the only way I can shift this feeling is to get my body moving. Whether it’s a gym session, a run or even taking some time out to stretch; my head will be much clearer after and my mood will be lifted!

Here’s a few tips on what you can do around the home to let off a little steam:

  • Household weighted items – If you’re missing the gym, you may be surprised with items you can use around the home to add a little intensity to your workout. Books, tins, a full water bottle or even a washing detergent bottle; anything you can hold that may add a bit of extra weight will work. Try adding these to your exercises such as squats or lunges and you’ll feel the burn!

  • A wall – If you have an empty wall in your house, stand with your back towards the wall, pop your feet shoulder width apart and sit down into the squat position. You feel that? Ouch! See how long you can hold it for and try to improve every time!
  • YouTube – the perfect and free at home PT! Head over to YouTube and you’ll find a selection of at home workouts that also don’t require equipment!
  • Stairs – If you have stairs in the home, they can be a perfect alternative for you to use as step ups or even to run up and down to get a bit of cardio in (please do be careful if using stairs as a way to exercise!)
  • Garden – If you have a garden area, use it to its full advantage. Whether it’s getting outside to have a little boogie, getting the star-jumps in or even just running around with the little ones, hopefully getting the body moving in anyway possible will leave you feeling more positive.

These are just a few tips on what I currently do day-to-day to try and keep myself feeling a little positive in these difficult times. I would love to know what helps you so please do share your tips!

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