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Hot water repairs service
Improving our heating and hot water repairs service
From 1 November we will be changing the way we provide our heating and hot water repairs service.
The changes follow a review of our existing service and a customer consultation, and will make our service more efficient, flexible and reliable.
What’s changing?
- We’re providing a consistent approach to all customers, no matter where they live, 52 weeks of the year. Our service will no longer be based on which region you live in or whether its summer or winter
- If you have a problem with your heating or hot water you will be offered the next available appointment
- We will prioritise the young, the elderly and those with medical conditions if their condition or situation is significantly affected by loss of heating or hot water
- We will provide more training to our colleagues to increase diagnosis over the phone
- We will improve first time fix rates by holding accurate van stock
- We will provide more advice to you on our website, over the phone and in person when our engineers
What are the benefits?
- Vulnerable customers prioritised
- Fewer boiler servicing appointment cancellations and inconvenience
- A more responsive, year-round customer service
- Additional advice and help via our website, telephone support and engineers on site
- Efficiency savings which can be invested in replacing older heating systems.
What do I need to do?
- Let us know about any changes to your situation or medical conditions which would mean you would be significantly affected by the loss of heating or hot water. You can do this by logging onto My Account and clicking on the 'My Details' tab, or calling 0333 400 8222
- Test your heating for short spells before the weather turns cold so that problems can be fixed before it affects you
If you have any questions please read our Questions and Answers.