Wiltshire PFI
Do you live in a PFI property?
If you rent one of our Wiltshire PFI (Private Finance Initiative) homes from us, you will be living in one of the following postcodes; BA12 8FN, BA12 8FH, BA12 9GA, BA13 3FH, BA13 3FG, BA13 3FL, BA13 3FN, BA13 3UW, BA14 7WQ , BA14 8GG, BA14 8PP, BA14 8PT, SN12 7NA, SN12 7PN.
Have your say
We want to know what you think
Have you recently had one of our operatives or contractors visit your home? If you have recently had a response repair or planned or cyclical maintenance (including an annual gas service) undertaken to your home, you have the opportunity to complete a customer satisfaction survey. If you wish to complete a survey please contact us at pfi.enquiries@aster.co.uk.
For emergency repairs or to speak with someone about a general enquiry, please call 0333 400 8266.
A simple way to pay your rent and services is by Direct Debit. You can now set up Direct Debit payments by phone. This method of payment is quick, efficient and secure.
To set up a Direct Debit or for more information, call our customer accounts team on 0333 400 8244.
We'll work out how much rent you need to pay each month and agree this with you before the first payment. You can set up a direct debit for either the 1st, 8th, 15th or the 22nd of each month.
If you'd prefer to complete a Direct Debit form, please call your customer accounts team on 0333 400 8244 and we'll post one to you.
Pay via debit card on the Santander website.
You'll need to search for 'Aster '. Then select the account named 'Aster (Housing rents)'. Finally, use your tenancy number as the reference number. You can find this number on your rent statement. If you can't find your tenancy number, call us on 0333 400 8222 and we'll be able to help.
Call 0333 400 8244 to pay using a credit or debit card.
You can set up a standing order or Direct Debit. To set up a standing order, give the following details to your bank (see below), quoting your tenancy reference number.
Bank Name: Barclays Bank
Address: Clifton House, 83-117 Euston Road, London NW1 2BB
Sort Code: 20-65-82
Account Number: 60220620
You can pay at any post office or PayPoint post.
Aster accepts direct payments of housing benefit from local authorities. If you're entitled to housing benefit it's your responsibility to make sure the housing benefit covers your rent. Where a shortfall occurs you must arrange to pay the difference using one of the payment methods above.
Local authorities usually pay housing benefit 4 weeks in arrears. To find out if you're entitled to housing benefit, please visit the Direct.gov website or contact the housing benefit department at your local authority.
Difficulty paying
We can offer lots of free advice and support if you’re struggling to find the money to pay us, so please get in touch with us on 0333 400 8244 so we can talk through the options. Our debt and benefit advisors can visit you in your home. All advice is confidential.
Claiming housing benefit
Housing benefit is payable by local councils to people on low incomes to help them pay their rent and is usually paid by them to the landlord. It’s your responsibility to claim housing benefit and to provide any evidence needed in order to pay your claim if you can’t afford to pay your rent yourself. If you’re not sure if you’re entitled to claim, please contact your local council.
Other benefits
Any other benefits you may be able to claim are usually paid by the Department for Work and Pensions. If you’ve lost your job you need to contact your local Jobcentre Plus to make a claim.
If you’re struggling to pay us, we’d rather work with you to help you stay in your home than take court action. However, we will take action against customers who don’t pay on time and those who choose not to work with us.