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Is Telecare Right For Your Loved One?

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Do you have an elderly relative who wishes to remain in their own home but could do with a little assistance? If you’ve been looking for a simple solution that could give them the independence they crave and peace of mind they deserve, telecare might just be the solution.   Far from being just an alarm that could confuse or worry your loved one, telecare offers a variety of options to suit their capabilities and confidence. If they are prone to confusion or like a routine, a fixed panic button for the elderly would give them the means to call for assistance when needed using a familiar tool that gives them continual reassurance in their line of sight.  

Reassurance to Hand

If they’re independent, a mobile alarm that they could take about with them might be more suitable. Carrying it in a handbag or pocket, they know they can reach out for help while not letting their age or physical ability get in the way of their routine.  

If they are a little absent-minded or like to go out on a whim, a pendant-type alarm worn around the neck would give them constant contact with carers, but they could otherwise forget about the device - they don’t have to remember to take it out with them. Each of these personal alarms for the elderly will alert a carer or neighbour who can help them get the required help.  

The other point to think about is which things need to be monitored. If they’re prone to falls, you could select an Aster alarm activated by an accident or seizure and connected to carelines. In the UK, Aster uses carelines in Hampshire to monitor the wellbeing and safety of elderly people as well as other regions across the south-west of England. With a base unit connected to the landline, the system can receive signals from personal alarms and sensors positioned around the home. The alarm could contact Aster’s friendly and professional team 24/7 should they wander beyond a set boundary, giving them the confidence to remain independent while you are reassured they won’t wander off.  

Eradicating Key Concerns

If you’re concerned about how they care for themselves, a telecare alarm could be set if the room temperature drops too low to help avoid dangerous conditions like hypothermia and give you the reassurance they are looking after themselves. Fitting an alarm, such as a panic button, for the elderly also means they can put off, if not eradicate, the need to move away from home comforts.   Yes, telecare is an investment, but if your loved one yearns to keep their independence, it’s an investment in their mental well-being and physical safety. Take a look at their home and its potential to accommodate telecare systems, and explore the benefits and financial help they may be entitled to access. Other considerations include considering how the device will look in the home and whether it will receive regular expert servicing.

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