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10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

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Many people know someone who has Alzheimer’s disease and have experienced how this can affect both the individual and the family. Others may be unaware of the early signs of the disease, but here are ten warning signs to watch out for if you are concerned about a loved one.

Disruptive Memory Loss

If memory problems are severe enough to disrupt a person’s daily life, they may be a sign of dementia. The person may forget information they have learned recently or repeatedly ask the same questions. Sometimes they will come to rely heavily on memory aids such as electronic devices or notes. This is more severe than the occasional forgetfulness that may occur in later life. Careline services can be helpful for people experiencing memory loss.

Difficulty with Problem-Solving or Making Plans

Sometimes a person experiences a change in how well they can work with numbers or concentrate. You may notice that they are less able to keep track of their bills or plan a visit.

Difficulty with Familiar Tasks

The person may have difficulty in remembering the rules of a game or driving to somewhere that is familiar to them. They may be unable to manage familiar tasks at work.

Confusion with Where They Are or What the Time Is

Losing track of the time, date or season can occur because of Alzheimer’s disease. Sometimes the person may not know where they are or remember how they got to a certain place.

Problems with Vision

Some people with dementia have difficulty in interpreting visual images or reading. They may have problems determining contrast or colour and judging distances, all of which can make driving unsafe. Careline services are very valuable for people who are unable to understand their environment and may be at risk of falling.

Difficulties with Spoken or Written Communication

In Alzheimer’s disease, some people have difficulty following a conversation or joining in. They may repeat themselves or be unable to continue a conversation. Sometimes you may notice problems with their vocabulary, such as being unable to remember the correct word or calling things by the wrong name.

Losing Things

People with Alzheimer’s disease sometimes put things in strange places, such as leaving their spectacles in the fridge. They may be unable to retrace their steps to find things that they have lost or misplaced. Sometimes the person may suspect other people of stealing something they have lost.

Impaired Judgement

We all make bad decisions occasionally, but a person with Alzheimer’s may display poor judgement more frequently, sometimes where money is involved. They may also be less particular with personal hygiene and grooming than they were before.

Becoming Withdrawn

The person may begin to avoid social situations and lose interest in hobbies or sports they have enjoyed previously.

Personality Changes

People with Alzheimer’s disease sometimes have changes in their mood and personality. They might become suspicious, anxious, confused or depressed or easily upset. If you notice any of these changes in a loved one, it is worth encouraging them to visit their GP to discuss the concerns.

Aster Can Help

We provide many assistive solutions to support those with Alzheimer's, including pendant alarms and careline services which are part of our Telecare range. To discuss options for someone you know, simply get in touch today

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