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Wearables Aren’t Just Smart Watches

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Considering how far the industry has progressed over recent years, when thinking about wearable technology it is entirely natural if your first thoughts lead to smartwatches and fitness trackers. These gadgets receive a lot of publicity and are useful tools. They now help us to improve our fitness and generally make us more efficient in many aspects of our daily lives. Wearable technology, however, goes much further. For some, wearables are one of the only things that separate them from a life of dependency and instead provide a sense freedom and all-important security. Personal alarms for the elderly are remarkable technological innovations that are greatly helping to improve the lives of many. They are rapidly becoming an indispensable tool when it comes to keeping the elderly happy, well and safe. The range of technology is adaptable to the needs of an individual and is especially ideal if an older person lives alone and would like some extra reassurance upon release from hospital, or in cases where there are increased risks of falls due to mobility issues.


It is important to have peace of mind when it comes to elderly friends and relatives. Constantly worrying about their wellbeing is demanding, and knowing they are happy and safe at all times can take a huge weight off your shoulders. A personal alarm for the elderly must be reliable and easy to use. As such, they have been designed so that if there is an emergency, services will be immediately alerted. This ensures that they receive the care they need quickly. Pendant alarms, such as those offered by Aster Telecare, are non-intrusive and easy to operate. In the event of an emergency, a straightforward press of a button will connect to a careline in the UK and appropriate action will be taken to ensure the safety of the elderly person.


Retaining independence for as long as possible in old age is very important. A personal alarm for the elderly is a tool that gives a feeling of freedom and allows a person to continue to truly appreciate and make the most of living in their own home. The knowledge that help from an approachable and qualified team is available at any time if necessary is reassuring.

How They Work

It is as simple as connecting the alarm directly into a phone line and beginning to wear the pendant. Pressing the button on the alarm or the wearable pendant will initiate a call for help. If the elderly person does not have any contacts, a response team will be called in the event of an emergency. It is also not an issue if the elderly person cannot hear the team member, as the emergency team will be automatically notified. Technological innovations are now helping us in so many aspects of our lives, and although wearable technology for the elderly may not receive the most attention, it is reassuring knowing that advancements in this area are being made.

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