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Dealing with unwanted pests
We know how concerning it is to have unwanted pests in or around your home; whether it’s insects or rodents, they can be a health hazard and a nuisance and in some instances, can cause damage.
Common household pests can be wasps, spiders, silverfish, bed bugs, fleas, rats or mice.
In most cases, it is your responsibility as a customer to deal with a pest problem within your home and keep your home as clean and clear as possible. We do look to support you by directing you to relevant information to ensure you can take any appropriate action, and on a case-by-case basis we may engage a professional pest service to treat and help eradicate any infestations.
It’s important any concerns are dealt with quickly and effectively to stop the problem getting worse or spreading. The British Pest Control Association has a whole host of advice and guidance on dealing with pests around your home: BPCA Domestic Pest Advice | Pest Control Advice, Help & Resources
If you are concerned about an ongoing problem or are worried vermin has entered your home then you can speak to your Housing Officer or call the contact centre on 0333 400 8222 for advice and support.
For our Extra Care Schemes, Independent Living Schemes and the communal areas we manage we are responsible for managing and removing pests and work with our customers to help them take appropriate action in their homes in these schemes where needed.