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Who Qualifies for Telecare Services?

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Despite common misconceptions, telecare services are not just designed for the elderly. Anybody living with a chronic health condition can benefit from telecare and telehealth technology in their homes. The main thing to understand about telecare services is that they are multifaceted and that there is a wide range of products which we can refer to as telecare. Most people think of pendant alarms for the elderly, but there are many types of telecare which can apply to lots of different settings and lifestyles.


It is easy to see why telehealth services can benefit patients. Many diverse products are available which support people to manage their own health at home, thereby increasing independence and reducing pressure on health services. For example, you can use a blood pressure monitor, an oximeter or a blood glucose monitor which will automatically communicate readings to your doctor. This technology cuts down on GP visits and enables swift intervention before a situation becomes critical.


For elderly people and those suffering from chronic conditions which need to be continually monitored, telecare can promote greater independence. Companies like Aster Telecare provide personal alarms which users can activate in order to access instant support. But telecare can also mean things like medication reminders and digital memory aids for those suffering from mild dementia. These can be linked to mobile phones and tablets. Activity monitors and sensors can give carers peace of mind, because they can remain updated about the patient's safety and well-being without having to be physically with them 24-7. The technology is non-invasive, so the user maintains their privacy and remains secure and safe at the same time.

Financial Considerations

If you are considering telecare for yourself or for someone in your care, you may be eligible for financial assistance. You can apply to your local social services department for a care-needs assessment. Your GP, hospital specialist or occupational therapist may also recommend telecare as part of your care package, but there is still likely to be a cost, so a care-needs assessment is still beneficial. Your healthcare provider should be able to advise you on the best package for your particular needs. However, even if you are not eligible for financial assistance, companies like Aster Telecare offer their products on a very affordable monthly plan. Look for high-quality providers who let you test the product with a no-obligation free trial period. Reliable and trustworthy providers will also supply their products under guarantee, with fixed service plans and excellent support services with easy access to fully trained maintenance experts. For a free home assessment or to find out more about what telecare services could do for you, click here or call 0333 400 8222.

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