Our comment on the 2017 election manifestos

The most pleasing aspect of the manifestos is that the major parties appear to recognise the scale of the housing crisis facing the UK and particularly the problem of affordability. They have put forward some bold ideas to tackle these issues.

We accept that Brexit will remain a central theme of the campaign but the chronic lack of housing supply is the one thing affecting almost everyone in the country, particularly young people.

Whoever wins on 8th June, it’s crucial that all housebuilders signal their willingness to partner with government on policies to increase the number of high-quality, affordable homes on the market. Alternative tenures like shared ownership have a key role to play in this.

In our view partnership working must sit at the heart of the response to the crisis and this includes developers pooling resources and expertise to boost build rates.

By Bjorn Howard, group CEO of Aster Group

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