Our comment on today's Resolution Foundation report

“It is clear that the housing shortage is one of the most acute challenges facing Britain today. What this report highlights are the consequences of continuing with a traditional approach to housing provision that hasn’t been working for some time now.

“We welcome the intervention from the Resolution Foundation but we must be careful not to over-simplify the situation – there’s more to the housing market than traditional buying and renting. In many ways increasing choice is as important as boosting supply and what’s needed are more alternatives to the traditional options. Many people, for example, are choosing shared ownership because it offers a route to full ownership with a smaller deposit and greater security than renting. It’s vital that housing providers respond to this demand and do what they can to educate people about the different options available.

“Ultimately, the housing challenge we face is as much one of choice as it is one of volume. Supplying a range of options to suit people with different housing needs is the only way to address this.”

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