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Current consultations
Aster wants to hear your views and make our services better. Here are the ways you can have your say on what we're doing.
We are conducting a Section 20 consultation in relation to our intention to enter into a long-term contract for Autodoors/Openers, CCTV & Door Entry Systems.
The contract being procured will be for the Installation, servicing & maintenance of Automated doors/openers, CCTV & Door Entry Systems
If you have any questions in relation to the proposed contract or this consultation, we would refer you to the Frequently Asked Questions.
If you would like to submit a formal observation, please email observations@aster.co.uk by 28 October 2024.
We are conducting a Section 20 consultation in relation to our intention to enter into a long-term contract for STP Maintenance & Repair
The contract being procured will be for the STP Maintenance and Repair.
If you have any questions in relation to the proposed contract or this consultation, we would refer you to the Frequently Asked Questions.
If you would like to submit a formal observation, please email observations@aster.co.uk by 22nd May 2024.
We are conducting a Section 20 consultation in relation to our intention to procure and enter into a long-term contract for cyclical decoration.
The contract being procured will be for the cyclical decoration.
Procurement Specification document
If you have any questions regarding the proposed contract or this consultation, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions.
If you would like to submit a formal observation, please email observations@aster.co.uk by 2nd April 2024.
We are conducting a Section 20 consultation in relation to a long term qualifying agreement.
The LTQA being completed will be for the following:
- Water Risk Assessment, Management, and Associated Remedial Works (WRAM).
If you would like to submit a formal observation please email observations@aster.co.uk by 18th December 2023.
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Our previous consultations
Here are some of the changes we've made as a result of previous consultations. Thank you to everyone who shared their views with us.
ConsultationsHave your Say
Upcoming consultations
We'll let you know about upcoming consultations here. Let us know if you'd like to get involved.