Notice to Quit Form
Once you've downloaded and completed the form below, please return via post to the address above.
Download formYou’ll need to let us know in writing at least four weeks before you want to end your tenancy. The four week notice period will start on a Monday and end on a Sunday.
Download and complete the Notice to Quit form.
You must make sure the form is returned to the office on or before the first Monday. If you need advice or help completing the form please to speak to a member of your local lettings team.
Some customers are not able to notify us themselves. In these situations you need to speak to your local lettings team about your situation. We will ask for confirmation of someone’s right to act on behalf of the customer, such as the next of kin, power of attorney, solicitor, a medical practitioner or similar representative. Click here for more information.
Please note that when someone dies the tenancy does not automatically come to an end. This means that someone who represents them needs to do this. This should be the person named as an executor in a will or named as an attorney in a property and financial affairs lasting power of attorney. We will also accept a Notice To Quit from a next of kin if there is no will but you may have to apply for probate to deal with the deceased tenants estate.
The lettings team will confirm the end date of your tenancy with you or your representative in writing, giving you a time and place to return your keys to us. Before your move we will arrange a visit to your home even if you are moving to another Aster property. During this visit we will agree with you anything that you need to do before you move out. You will also be told to leave the property empty, tidy and clean. After this visit, you will know how we expect you to return your home to us.
Our Moving Out leaflet gives you an idea what condition your home should be in.
You’ll be asked to pay for any work that hasn’t been done, any damage, rubbish, or personal items that we need to throw away, or for any cleaning or decorating that we need to do that should have been done by you before you left. If you are transferring to another one of our homes, we may stop the move if you don't carry out the work.
If we haven’t fitted a key safe for you to leave your front door keys in, you will need to take your keys to your local office. Please label them and place them in the post box on the outside of the office.
You need to bring all your keys back to us at the office by 10am on the Monday that your tenancy ends. If you don’t do this, we will charge you the normal weekly rent until we receive your keys.
We need any key or fob that belongs to the property, including window, shed, gate, communal doors and garage. Please leave meter keys in the property.
If you return your keys before the agreed tenancy end date, rent is still due up to the last day of your notice period.
Please download the notice to quit form and post to our Sarsen Court address below.
Aster Group, Sarsen Court, Horton Avenue, Cannings Hill, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 2 AZ
Once you've downloaded and completed the form below, please return via post to the address above.
Download form