Kai completes four-year apprenticeship

Kai, an Aster electrician, has recently completed a four-year Level 3 Electrical Maintenance and Installation apprenticeship. He’s shared a little bit about his apprenticeship journey:

How was your time split between the apprenticeship and working?

My week was split into one day at college and four at work. During workdays there were site visits and jobs to help me complete my portfolio.

How did Aster and/or your team support you during the apprenticeship?

Aster helped by keeping training up to date and I was also given jobs that were focused on getting what was required for my portfolio.

What made you do an apprenticeship?

I chose an apprenticeship as it’s much more hands on and visual. It also meant I didn’t end up with debt and gave me the opportunity to save money.

Would you recommend an apprenticeship and if so, why?

I would always recommend an apprenticeship where possible as they are the best way to get qualifications along with experience at the same time.

Find out more about Aster apprenticeships and careers here.

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