Championing women in trade

It’s well documented that women are often under-represented and can face discrimination in the workplace. From gender pay gaps to the ratio of women to men and more recently, the effect the pandemic has had on working mothers, it’s quite clear that even in 2021, more needs to be done to create gender equality in the workplace.

According to the Women’s Trade Network, a new initiative launched to encourage more women into trade roles, just two per cent of tradespeople in the country are women – a statistic that has barely changed in 40 years. That’s why we’re a supporting partner of the Women’s Trade Network and its work to help remove barriers, empower and support women into these roles.

We already know from anecdotal feedback from our customers, particularly women, that they feel more comfortable with a female carrying out work inside their home.

We’re inviting as many women as possible to apply for our vacant trades and maintenance roles and will support them every step of the way to have a fulfilling career with us. But this all starts with making sure they have a good day at work and providing the support they need to do their jobs well. Our female trades colleagues have told us that they’ve never felt at a disadvantage working at Aster and have only ever been treated with kindness and respect.

From estate supervisors and plumbers to decorators and multi trade operatives, we have women in our trade’s teams with over 20 years of experience and we’ll keep on working to encourage more women to join us in the future.

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