Our latest Customer Annual Report

I’m pleased to be able to share our customer annual report for 2022/23, which includes updates about our work to provide safe, well-maintained homes, and modern reliable customer services.

This year, we’ve once again produced a highly interactive report containing videos, customer case studies, and facts and figures that tell the story of our year. I hope you enjoy reading it and as always I’m keen to hear your thoughts so please do contact our Customer Voice team on customervoice@aster.co.uk with any feedback you have.

As I reflect on the last year, I’m aware of how tough the winter was for many of our customers. The cost of living pressures and rising inflation has impacted on many, and we continue to invest in our financial wellbeing service to provide support to those affected.

During this winter we did see a higher than normal number of repairs reported in our homes. We’re committed to ensuring we deliver a reliable service to customers and have increased the number repairs experts across our communities as a result. During 2022/23 over 120,000 repairs, including 61,000 response repairs were carried out and they were completed in an average of 13 days. As well as our repairs service, safety plays a crucial role in the work we do. Over the last year we carried out over 21,000 fire safety visits and we made sure that 99.97% of homes had a valid gas safety record.

This year saw us complete the first phase of our in-home condition survey, with over 80% of all our homes now surveyed. The information gathered will help us improve the quality of homes for the longer-term and there’s lots more in the report about how we’re going to use data to do that.

I’m particularly pleased to share more about our exciting modernisation programme, which reflects our long term commitment to improving and enhancing our customer experience. From looking at the ways customers get in touch with us to how we carry out repairs, we’re using technology to accelerate improvements to our services and set us apart from others.

This year we were one of a few housing associations awarded for our approach to customer involvement. Tpas is an independent group which promotes, supports and champions tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England. We’re just one of 17 housing associations (as at March 2023) to be endorsed by Tpas and I’m incredibly proud of this recognition. You can hear much more about the work of our dedicated involved customers, of which there are now over 1,600, in the report.

Finally, I’d like to say a big welcome to our new customers from Enham Trust. You might be aware that Hampshire based disability charity Enham Trust merged with Aster Group in October 2022. This adds to our care portfolio in London, which we’re very proud of and I’m very excited about future opportunities providing care services. I was particularly delighted that just a few months after merger Enham received a Good rating from the Care Quality Commission.

We continue to work with Central and Cecil in London and EBHT in Dorset to further integrate and improve services. You can read plenty more about our year in our Customer Annual Report here.

We’ve also summarised our highlights in this infographic.

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