Our thoughts on the social housing green paper

Bjorn Howard, group CEO of Aster Group, said:

“It’s pleasing to see the government recognise the role that shared ownership has to play in alleviating the housing crisis. We and other housing associations have highlighted the importance of this type of tenure in offering an aspirational and secure way for people to work towards their dream of owning their own home.

“We also welcome the ambition to tackle the stigma that some social housing tenants feel. It’s crucial we accept that a properly functioning housing market needs a blend of owner-occupier homes along with other types of tenure, including affordable rent.

“It is disappointing, though, that the green paper doesn’t outline plans for any new investment. Significant funding is needed to ensure the most vulnerable in society are provided with good-quality homes.

“The release of the green paper in the middle of the summer recess means a meaningful debate on the issues raised will have to wait until MPs return to parliament next month. We hope it will be made a priority then.”

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