A brief guide to our rent collection process
We have an obligation to all our customers to make sure everyone pays in full. If you do not pay your rent we will work with you to help you resolve any financial difficulties you may have. We will also start court action if we think there is a chance the rent won’t be paid. The sooner we start court action the lower the debt will be should we need to go to court.
If we see a debt on your account or you do not keep to any agreements you have made with us we will contact you. If rent continues to be unpaid we will take legal action that could result in a judge telling you to give your home back to us. This is a very rare and we try to avoid evictions but sometimes it is necessary. Any outstanding debt following an eviction will be passed to our former tenant arrears team who will take every reasonable action to recover the debt. If this debt remains unpaid it is very unlikely that Aster or any other social landlord will consider offering you another tenancy.