Nominate your customer service hero
We’re looking for our Customer Services hero of the year, and we’d like to hear from you who that should be.
Get involved with our Customer & Community Network
We currently have opportunities for customers to join our formal customer groups and influence the services that our customers receive.
Changes to the Right to Buy Scheme
You may have heard the government announcement (09/06/2022) and proposal to extend the right to buy to people living in properties owned by housing associations.
An update about COVID-19
We’re working hard to provide you with a reliable customer service every day as we all continue to adapt to living with COVID-19.
Now that government rules have relaxed, we want to make sure everyone feels comfortable when we visit you at home.
Service with Respect
The law has recently changed to stop frontline workers from experiencing abuse while they carry out their roles.
Could you, or someone you know, be missing out on Pension Credit?
The government estimates that up to one million pensioner households may be entitled to Pension Credit, but not all claim it.
Celebrating volunteering week
You can now be part of our campaign to donate over 1,000 hours of volunteering across our communities. All you need to do to get involved is visit our volunteering platform, Aster VIP.